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amazonx | Voted

At work today, I did nothing but read this entire website. I answer phones, for guys who are always at their desks. I do admin work for guys who are self-sufficient. I'm dumbemployed.

by amazonx on 11/20/22 at 12:52pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (6) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( secretary administrative phone )

At work today, I conducted training on stress management and visualizations for relaxation. I seated the hearing impaired up front so they could read my lips. At the end of the session, they said it was hard to follow the visualization when I asked them to close their eyes. I'm dumbemployed.

by CheriDouglas on 04/12/24 at 8:33am - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (31) Permalink
Filed Under: Overtime ( stress management visualizations lips )

At work today, I finally finished the month long project of collecting newspaper clippings. I closed the folder and asked what I needed to do next. "Well, the newspaper comes out daily," they said. I opened the folder again. I'm dumbemployed.

by wandrinrambler on 04/16/24 at 12:52pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (9) Permalink
Filed Under: Weird Shift ( newspaper clippings folder daily )

At work today, I rushed to do my laundry before dinner. I think I made a mistake. The drier in my building doesn't work so well. Have you ever worn a wet skirt for eight hours? I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 04/10/24 at 3:11pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (7) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( laundry wet skirt )

At work today, we were all supposed to write our "nicknames" for HR to have on file. I put "Hot Dawg" as a joke. They didn't tell us the nicknames would appear on our paychecks. It'll be fun cashing that. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 04/08/24 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (13) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( nicknames hr paycheck )

At work today, I realized something. If I get completely baked before I come into the office, it might help team spirit. My mind might move as slowly as my decrepit, ancient coworkers. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 02/29/24 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (14) Permalink
Filed Under: Overtime ( ancient baked marijuana )

At work today, the receptionist walked past and smelled of poo. Usually, she smells like bad B.O. I don't know which is worse, but both are awful. I'm dumbemployed.

by amazonx on 02/27/24 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (12) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( body odor poo smell )

At work today, sunlight kept getting in my eyes while I stood at the register. I started going blind, I think, so I went to the window to close the shades. They were stuck, so I pulled a little harder. Of course, that means I managed to rip the shades off the wall. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 06/18/23 at 3:11pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (5) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( sunlight stuck rips )

At work today, I got stuck inside the supply closet, literally. It was totally dark inside and I banged against the door for at least an hour.  I was about to quit when somebody opened the door- from behind me. It turned out I'd been facing the wrong direction. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 06/15/23 at 3:11pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (13) Permalink
Filed Under: Overtime ( supply closet darkness directions )

At work today, I thought I'd make something different at the coffee machine. I decided to try mixing hot chocolate with our office coffee brewer. It definitely worked. But I also managed to break the machine. Don't tell anyone- I just ran away. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 05/10/23 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (10) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( coffee hot chocolate break )

At work today, my boss wanted me to go ahead and ship some letters. I'm an intern, so I want to do well. I went to the post office and asked my boss when I'd be reimbursed. Then he told me that our office has a mail room.  I spent a hundred bucks of my own money on stamps. I'm dumbemployed.

by anonymous on 05/06/23 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (9) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( letters shipping stamps )

At work today, I was representing a new work of art. I began to show them some of the details of the sculpture when I saw a cockroach and jumped back- into the sculpture. The piece was damaged, and the cockroach turned out to have been a piece of paper. I'm dumbemployed.

by jerhee on 04/30/23 at 6:20pm - Yep, you're Dumbemployed (7) Permalink
Filed Under: Just Dumb ( art cockroach damage )